We want to hear from you!
For Doctors of BC, engaging with our members is critical and this includes our commitment to hearing what you have to say. When we understand what matters to you and where you stand on important topics, we can more effectively advocate on your behalf with government, health authorities, and other stakeholders. Over a two week period beginning March 15, we are requesting you let us know your perspective on three different topics - topics of relevance to your practice, your profession, your ethics – on our online member engagement platform.
What is being discussed?
The topics under discussion are likely already on your mind as working doctors, and are all areas in which work is currently underway.
Illicit Drug Overdose Crisis
2020 was the worst year on record for illicit drug overdose deaths in BC, made worse by the pandemic. That so many British Columbians are overdosing from a toxic drug supply is of grave concern to doctors, and other health care providers, and devastating to families all over the province. Doctors of BC is looking to develop a position statement on this topic and wants your perspectives on policy approaches, including decriminalization and access to safer alternatives to street drugs.
Diversity and Inclusion
We know that ensuring Doctors of BC becomes a more diverse and inclusive organization matters to our members. In the last year, we successfully implemented some of the 50+ recommendations from the Barrier Assessment Report, and our work in this area continues. Our next step seeks your input into a high-level Vision Statement developed by the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Working Group . The Vision Statement will help articulate Doctors of BC’s goal to reflect the rich diversity of our membership within our organization. Sharing your thoughts and experiences will further inform the development of this statement. More information on our diversity and inclusion work can be found on the Doctors of BC website.
Working in non-physician owned clinics
In BC, a number of corporate and other privately-owned clinics are offering doctors the chance to become clinic employees, which removes the burden of clinic management and ownership. These contracts can differ in their terms, with a number of factors a doctor should consider before taking this step. Doctors of BC would like to hear whether the topics we’re focusing on will help provide clarity when considering working in these clinics. Your feedback, in the form of a quick and convenient poll, will help us create a guidance document that members can refer to for support and information on this subject.
How to access our member engagement platform
As in previous engagement with members, we are using Bang the Table, and urge you to visit our engagement homepage. If you are new to the platform, it is easy to register and learn more about the engagement process. For those who have taken part in previous discussions, please use your existing login details.
We encourage you to take this opportunity to have your say, and to let us know what’s on your mind. Your feedback is crucial to ensure our work reflects the perspective of our members. Your participation means you will be helping us to better advocate and represent you and your fellow colleagues at all levels. Discussions on these topics will close April 4th at 11:59 pm.
If you have any queries about this engagement opportunity, please email: policyandplanning@doctorsofbc.ca.