Doctors of BC encourages physicians to take a few minutes and participate in the Doctors of BC members survey closing April 13.  We are seeking your thoughts and opinions in the areas in which we are providing you excellent value and in the areas you feel we can make improvements. This survey is conducted every two years, and is a key piece in our commitment to better understanding your needs and what’s important to you.

TWI Surveys is again conducting the survey, and as always, your answers are anonymous and confidential – Doctors of BC will not know your individual responses.

How to participate

On March 23rd you should have received the survey via email from Doctors of BC with the subject line “Doctors of BC Member Survey: Tell us how we’re doing.” If you are a member but did not receive the survey, please contact

Upon completion, you can choose to enter a draw to win one of two free one-year memberships to Doctors of BC. Should you wish to enter the draw, you will need to provide TWI with your name and email address, but be assured that Doctors of BC will not see this information.

We hope you will take the time to share your thoughts and let us know how we are doing – your opinion matters.