The BC government has announced that starting March 24, it will be sending letters to more than 200,000 British Columbians identified as Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV), with details on how they can register for their COVID-19 vaccine ahead of their age cohort. Patients in this group are much more vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19 than the general population, and this approach will ensure they receive protection in a timely way.

The list of eligible conditions included in the CEV group was carefully developed based on international science, including input from more than 60 specialists and family doctors in BC. Patients were identified through databases and patient registries such as the BCCA, Surgical Patient Registry, BC Renal Association, among many others. Government took on the onus to identify and contact all these patients, rather than expecting physicians’ offices to do this, so that doctors and their staff did not have to take on this extra work.

At this time, doctors do not need to take any action, unless any patients call you with questions. Resources are being developed for your use.

More information can be found on our web page including a detailed Q&A (scroll down to section on “Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) patients”).

If you have further questions, please email