Doctors can now access the CEV attestation form on the Doctors of BC web site.
They can also view the letter from Dr Bonnie Henry that is being sent to 200,000
CEV patients around the province. Both documents are password protected.
Filling out the form
It is recommended that doctors wait until after April 15, when all letters have been distributed, before filling out the attestation form to confirm that CEV patients who did not receive a letter are eligible. However, they can also fill out the form before that date.
Once the form is filled out, doctors are to give it or send it to the patient who will then connect with the provincial registration center to book their appointment. British Columbians can reach the provincial registration center online here or by phoning 1 – 833 838.2323.
Detailed information for doctors is available on the COVID-19 resource page (scroll down to section on clinically extremely vulnerable patients.)
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