British Columbians who are concerned they may have symptoms related to COVID-19 are encouraged to use an Online Self-Assessment Tool developed by the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), which may be particularly helpful for people in self-isolation and those returning from travel abroad (and their family members).
The tool will help to determine if further assessment or testing is needed.

Who should be tested for COVID-19?

People with respiratory symptoms who are:
  • Hospitalized, or likely to be hospitalized
  • Health Care Workers
  • Residents of long term care facilities
  • Part of an investigation of a cluster or outbreak

Who does not need to be tested for COVID-19?

  • People without symptoms
  • Patients with mild respiratory symptoms who can be managed at home, including returning travellers with an onset of illness within 14 days of return to Canada

What if the self-assessment indicates a test is needed?

  • Check your health authority website for locations of assessment/testing centers in your area.
  • Call your doctor’s office for information on local testing centers; and await direction. Do not drop in without calling
  • Call the government’s COVID phone line from 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. at 1-888-COVID19 (1-888-268-4319) or via text message at 604-630-0300.