It is inevitable that as the school year progresses, children will show symptoms of cold, flu, or other illness. During this pandemic, parents will be asking themselves:

  • What should I do if my child gets sick? 
  • When should we test for COVID-19?
  • Should my child stay home? and for how long?
  • When do we need a doctor’s note? 


To help with these questions and others, Doctors of BC is providing a series of easy-to-follow documents that will help to chart paths to effective decision-making both for parents and physicians. It is important to do the right thing not just to protect your child, but for the health and safety of all children and staff at the school.



“How to decide what to do when your child is ill” decision-making tool can be found here.

A chart to whether a doctor’s note is required can be found here.

Remember that one of the most effect things you can do to protect your child, family and community is to get a flu vaccine. Watch for information to follow on how your community, with support from family physicians, will be delivering vaccines this fall. 

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