Doctors of BC has made some improvements to our website based on feedback we received from members.
During focus group sessions on the user experience of our website, we heard from you that information on managing your practice, as well as frequently used resources, should be easier to find. You also told us the My Account section should be leaner and a place for you to primarily conduct your transactions.
General improvements to our website include:
- Changes to our navigation to make it easier to find what you are looking for
- More pages that are publicly accessible so you don’t have to log-in to view them
- A more accurate search function
- A simple, streamlined My Account section
Watch: Take a video tour of our improved navigation
First and foremost, our focus group of physicians told us they wanted to see emphasis on topics critical to managing their practices. In the Managing your Practice section, you’ll find the fee guide, information on contracts, billing, audits, technology, and practice supports, among other topics.
Next in the navigation is Your Benefits. This section includes information on benefits you have access to as a member of Doctors of BC, including Insurance, Negotiated Benefits, the Physician Health Program and Club MD.
In the Advocacy and Policy section, you’ll find information on policy, negotiations, consultations with members, and information on how we advocate for you.
Under Collaboration, you’ll find information on the Joint Collaborative Committees, Divisions of Family Practice, Medical Staff Associations, as well as our work with WorkSafeBC and ICBC.
In the News and Events section, you’ll find news stories for physicians, President’s blogs and letters, Doctors Making a Difference and our media room.
The last item in the navigation is the About Us section where you can access information on our organization, including our leadership, governance, representative assembly, committees, awards and detailed contact information for different departments at Doctors of BC.
Watch: Take a video tour of the improved My Account section
Your private My Account section includes personal information related to you and your practice, such as contact details, insurance, benefits, taxes, dues, subscriptions and records.
To make it easier to find the information in this section, the navigation has been streamlined and simplified so it appears on the left hand side of the page. Notifications related to your account will display to the right of the navigation.
In the My Details section, you can update your personal details, such as contact information for you and your practice, privacy settings, communications preferences and banking information.
Under My Benefits, you’ll find records relating to your Contributory Professional Retirement Savings Plan, Continuing Medical Education, Parental Leave Benefit, Canadian Medical Protective Association and Your Benefits documents.
In the My Records section, you can access documents related to your taxes and invoices. If you have Insurance and TELUS services through Doctors of BC, you’ll be able to access information related to those services in this section.
Information on your dues, sections and societies, your mini practice profile, your shopping cart and your favourite pages and links are also found in the My Account navigation.
We encourage you to have a look around the improved website and My Account section to familiarize yourself with new layout to ensure you know where to find the information you need.
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at and we’d be happy to assist you.