In a recent President’s Letter (log-In required), Dr Kathleen Ross updated BC’s doctors on supports available to them as the pandemic moves into the fall and winter.
Updates from the Ministry of Health include:
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Community physicians (both family doctors and specialists with community offices) will soon have access to the provincial supply chain for PPE at no charge during the duration of the pandemic.
- COVID-19 response. Additional one-time compensation will be provided for a maximum of 20 hours per physician for planning work done through Divisions of Family Practice and Medical Staff Associations in preparation for the fall/winter response to COVID-19.
In addition, the General Practice Services Committee (GPSC) will provide $5-million in one-time funding to the Divisions of Family Practice for pandemic planning and preparation to achieve the goals of the Ministry’s Primary Care COVID-19 Response Framework.
Dr Ross acknowledged that these supports would not have been possible without the important contribution of the Joint Collaborative Committees. The relationships built through these committees have resulted in a significant investment of resources during this pandemic.
A reminder to community physicians to apply for the $1,000 grants available for planning and implementation of a COVID-19 safety plan in their practices. Details can be found here.