RACE (Rapid Access to Consultative Expertise) provides access to real-time Specialist advice across a selection of specialties. Advice can be accessed through one phone number, online or through a RACE APP. The following RACE services have been extended to ensure continued access to specialist advice in response to COVID-19:
Online & APP only: Specialists have generously offered extended hours (after 5pm and on weekends) in some specialties. Access them online raceapp.ca or through the RACE APP (download at RACEApp+).The list of specialties can be found here.
A new RACE specialty Infectious Diseases - COVID-19 (clinical) is available from 8am-5pm weekdays, to help clinicians with differential diagnoses, work-up and management recommendations.
RACE is funded by the Shared Care Committee (SCC), one of four Joint Collaborative Committees funded by Doctors of BC and the BC Government.
Visit our COVID-19 web hub for more information on how Doctors of BC is supporting physicians.