- Email your patients, and remind them to self-isolate and to encourage their children to do the same.
- Take to social media. Let’s get hundreds of physicians in BC out on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook this week using the hashtags #stay_home #BCdocs
- Groups of physicians could connect with your local media.
- Think of other innovative ideas to get the message out, e-mail us at communications@doctorsofbc.ca and we will share them.
President, Doctors of BC - 2019/2020
Doctors of BC thanks British Columbians all over our province who are complying with the directive of the Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry to stay home if sick, and to keep a safe distance from others when people go outside.
We are concerned to see that some people are not complying and putting lives at risk.
Thank you for joining as a united profession to provide guidance and encourage patients and the public to comply with Dr Henry’s directive. Here are ways that you can help.
Send an e-mail letter to patients.
Doctors of BC as developed the following letter template to get you started on an e-mail to send to patients.
To my patients,
I am taking this unusual step to write to you personally regarding the COVID-19 virus. You will have heard the directive from our Provincial Health Officer, Dr Bonnie Henry.
The time to act is now. Our province is in a state of emergency. What we do today will impact the health of British Columbians in the weeks to come.
- If you feel ill, stay home and self-isolate for 14 days, until you feel 100% better
- If you feel 100%, stay home as much as possible and only go out for essential reasons such as grocery shopping or a visit to the drug store.
- When you do go out, stay at a safe physical distance from others, at least 6 feet apart. That’s about the width of a car, or two arm’s length.
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water, frequently throughout the day
- Call your loved ones and tell them to do the same.
Remind young people in your life that they can get sick from this virus. More importantly, they can be carriers and cause a lot of harm to parents, grandparents, and other loved ones.
We can do this, but we can’t wait one more hour or one more day. Let’s save lives, together.
Take to social media
Social media is one of the most effective ways to connect. You can share simple messages on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media channels.
Here just a few simple examples, feel free use these to get you started.
- The time is now. Stay home, and keep a safe distance from
others when outside. #stay_home #BCdocs
- Stay home. Keep a safe distance from others. Do it for the people you love, if not yourself. #stay_home #BCdocs
- We can’t defeat #COVID_19 alone. Please, stay home. Keep a safe distance from others when outside. #stay_home #BCdocs
- We care about our patients and our communities. Stay home, keep a safe distance from others when outside. We can do this together. #stay_home #BCdocs
Facebook and Twitter graphic 16:9 ratio PNG here.
Instagram graphic 1:1 (square) ratio PNG here.
Watch for more suggestions on our Doctors of BC COVID-19 web hub.
Reach out to local media
Join with a group of physicians in your community and write to your local newspaper. Add in the signatures of every physician in your group. Here are some messages to get you started.
The physicians of (insert community) are on the frontlines in the battle against COVID-19. This crisis is unlike anything we have experienced in our lifetime. We are working flat out to be there for our patients and their families.
Doctors cannot do this alone. What the public does now will impact the health of British Columbians the weeks and months ahead. Lives depend on your actions now.
Our province is in a state of emergency. Follow the directive from our Provincial Health Officer, Dr Bonnie Henry:
- If you feel ill, stay home and self-isolate for 14 days, until you feel 100% better
- If you feel 100%, stay home as much as possible and go out for essential reasons such as grocery shopping or a visit to the drug store, but maintain a distance of at last 6 feet from others.
- Go for a walk, but only with your family members, and keep a safe distance. Don’t play organized sports or congregate outside with others.
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water, frequently throughout the day
- Call your loved ones and tell them to do the same.
This is especially important for young people. We sometimes see you out in the park or at the beach. You can get sick from this virus. More importantly, you can be carriers and cause a lot of harm to parents, grandparents, and other loved ones.
The time is now. We can’t wait one more hour or one more day. Let’s save lives, together.