Vancouver-based psychiatrist Dr Matthew Chow was installed as president of Doctors of BC at an online ceremony Friday December 11, 2020. He succeeds Dr Kathleen Ross, who becomes past-president.Dr%20Matthew%20Chow%20

Dr Chow moves into the position at a time when the profession is confronting challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic. “I want our profession to not just survive this pandemic, but to thrive in spite of it,” he says. “This is our once-in-a-century moment to show how our unique blend of scientific knowledge, technical skill, and humanism is crucial for the well-being of society. I want us to pull together as one because behind the credentials, masks, and goggles, we are fundamentally all human beings struggling through these challenging times.”

During his one-year term, Dr Chow will focus on three priority areas:

  • Unity of the profession – working together.
  • Addressing mental health challenges for both the public and physicians post-pandemic, and
  • Supporting greater diversity and inclusion.

Dr Chow specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry. In addition to his practice, he has worked in acute tertiary settings and performed outreach visits to rural and remote sites. 

Before becoming president, he was co-chair of the Specialist Services Committee and a Doctors of BC representative to the Medical Services Commission.

To connect with Dr Chow, e-mail and follow him on Twitter @drmattchow.

Dr Ramneek Dosanjh was also installed as the new president-elect at the ceremony. She will become the next president in December 2021.