The Doctors of BC Board of Directors has approved the establishment of a Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group to provide advice and recommendations to the Board on the implementation of recommendations from the Diversity and Inclusion Barrier Assessment report.
The report and its more than 50 recommendations are based on extensive consultation with members who provided their views on how to encourage greater diversity and inclusivity of physician leaders within our governance structures – the Board, Representative Assembly and Committees.
When the Advisory Group begins its work, the first priority will be to provide input and advice on the development of a high level diversity and inclusion statement for Doctors of BC which will communicate the Association’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, while also serving as a guiding vision for the consideration of many of the remaining recommendations.
Watch for a call for nominations go out to members in the near future.
Update on actions to increase diversity and inclusion
The Board approved the report’s recommendations in principle in late 2019. They are now being considered in terms of feasibility and options for implementation. This process involves determining which recommendations can be implemented in the short term (some already have) and considering options for implementation of more complex recommendations over the long term.
The creation of the Working Group was one of the key action items. Doctors of BC has also implemented a number of other recommendations, including:
An investment in technology to enable virtual meetings and gatherings. This has enabled us to adapt quickly to COVID-19, but has also ensured that participation in committees, the RA or the Board will be easier for members living in rural or remote areas, members with disabilities, and members who have small children at home.
Increasing physician awareness of opportunities on Doctors of BC committees through increased promotion of opportunities and profiles on physicians serving on committees through the “Doctors Making a Difference" portion of our website.
Introduction of a Code of Conduct that sets minimum standard of conduct for all members of Doctors of BC when carrying out work on behalf of the Association.
Researching and considering how best to deliver diversity and unconscious bias training for members involved in committees, the RA, and the Board.
Despite the significant impact of COVID-19, progress is being made. However, there is still much to be done. Doctors of BC appreciates the support of our members in helping to achieve the goal of becoming a truly diverse Association that is inclusive of all physicians.
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