The COVID pandemic has caused great uncertainty for nearly every aspect of our lives including how school is going to proceed this year. This years’ return to school is a different experience for parents, kids, and schools. One thing that hasn’t changed is the need for our kids to be physically active – the 2018 ParticipACTION Report Card states only 39% of kids aged 5-17 are reaching their recommended physical activity levels.
With our current, and future kids in mind, Doctors of BC’s Be Active Every Day annual public health campaign is back this October with this year’s theme Play it Forward! Doctors will challenge kids aged 5-11 to get at least 60 minutes of activity, every day, and to make healthy active choices.
There are several new and exciting changes for Be Active Every Day this year:
Doctors of BC is planting 2,500 trees in BC to honour the kids who participate – creating green space and fresh air for future generations.
The campaign has a new look with a new logo and all new website.
All kids who take part are entered to win a special edition deluxe Be Active Board Game.
Doctors can deliver the challenge virtually by meeting with kids via Zoom webinar.
All new animated videos to support the challenge.
Doctors of BC, representing physicians in our province, is committed to supporting communities to be active and stay healthy. Last year, physicians challenged more than 6,600 students through Be Active Every Day. We hope you will consider joining us to make this year’s event a success. Schools, teachers, and physicians can find more information at