Guidelines have been provided to BC’s physicians to enable the gradual expansion of in-person care in clinics and offices. In her President’s Letter, members, Dr Kathleen Ross notes that this marks the start of a new phase of the pandemic response that will see a cautious lifting of restrictions more broadly. Dr Ross advises it is important to do this over time, ensuring precautions are taken to ensure the safety of patients, physicians and medical office staff. It is also important that this is done in a way that ensures patients continue to receive the care they need, and physicians are encouraged continue to use virtual care where possible while putting in place changes to workflow in offices.
A summary of the official guidelines and advice for physicians can be found in The Doctor is In.
Official guidelines released May 15th can be found below:
- The Provincial Health Officer’s order from May 15th;
- The College’s Guidance on providing in-person care during COVID-19;
- The BCCDC’s COVID-19: Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Community Based Physicians, Nursing Professionals and Midwives in Clinic Settings;
- WorkSafeBC’s Health Professionals: protocols for returning to operation
With the pandemic risk to continue into the foreseeable future, it is clear long-term changes will be needed in the way health care is delivered. Doctors of BC will engage with the Ministry of Health, the Joint Collaborative Committees and all our members to plan a way forward that will support sustainable practices and quality care for patients in the new reality.
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