Over the past year, Doctors of BC and the Ministry of Health have been consulting on new contract options to address a number of key points of interest raised by doctors. These include the desire of some established and new-to-practice family doctors to move away from the Fee-for-Service (FFS) model, towards an alternative compensation model; and the need for doctors whose FFS practices have been significantly destabilized due to conditions resulting from COVID-19.

The consultations have now concluded, and the Ministry is now offering BC doctors a number of new contract options for interested physicians to consider to help provide them with greater freedom of choice in the way they practice. 

The contract options are:

  • Group Contract for Practicing Family Physicians
  • Individual Contracts for New-to-Practice Family Physicians    
  • Simplified temporary COVID-19 service contracts, through to December 31, 2021

In addition to the above, the Ministry will continue to offer group contracts to anesthesiologists and ER doctors.

These new contracts are part of a suite of available compensation options that may be attractive to doctors, depending on their personal circumstances, and are the result of a positive, engaged, and collaborative negotiations process. Doctors of BC emphasized our commitment to our members throughout the consultation.

Doctors can find more information in a number of ways

  • Please visit our dedicated web page, where you will find detailed information, recorded webinars and Physician Qs and As.
  • E-mail us at – Negotiations@doctorsofbc.ca with any questions.