The JCC co-chairs recently announced that family doctors and specialists who participate in quality and system improvement activities on behalf of the collaborative committees will be compensated at the same rate, retroactive to April 1, 2019.  This applies to all JCC work that has until now been paid at the sessional rate.  (The Joint Collaborative Committees are: General Practice Services Committee, Shared Care, Specialist Services Committee and Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues.)

The changes means that family doctors and specialists will be paid $158.97 per hour when participating in JCC meetings and activities. Previously, doctors were paid a lower amount because sessional rates in the PMA were established based on clinical work.   The JCC co-chairs and Physician Services Committee made the decision, determining that payment for all doctors should be equal given they bring the same leadership and strategic skills to the work.  
The rate will be fixed until the Doctors of BC honorarium hourly rate matches this level. Once honoraria and JCC rates are matched, the JCC rate will increase in line with Doctors of BC honoraria rates. The rate will be considered a separate JCC rate and will be delinked from the current clinical sessional rates, and be named “JCC rate”. 

Doctors of BC will provide the retroactive payment to physicians as soon as possible.  Information on the payment process has been sent to divisions and Medical Staff Associations.