The Doctors of BC Board of Directors approved the appointments of seven doctors and a medical student to the Diversity and inclusion Advisory Working Group at its September meeting. The working group will provide input into implementation of recommendations from the Barrier Assessment report which are based on extensive consultation with the membership. The report identifies barriers and opportunities to encourage greater diversity of physicians within our governance structures – the Board, Representative Assembly, and committees.
Members of the Working Group are:
- Dr Derek Chang, Family Doctor with addiction medicine specialty training in Vancouver.
- Dr Simone Cowan, Cardiologist in Vancouver
- Dr Olutoyese Oyelese, Family Doctor in Kelowna
- Dr Ahmer Karimuddin, Surgeon in Vancouver
- Mr Jatinder Khatra, Medical student at UBC in Prince George
- Dr Caroline Lohrisch, Oncologist in Vancouver
- Dr Kellie Whitehill, Gynecologist in Victoria
- Dr Rola Masri, Family Doctor in Vancouver
The group’s first priority will be to provide input and advice on the development of a high level statement for Doctors of BC which will communicate the Association’s commitment to diversity and inclusion,
The Board thanks all the physicians who applied for a position. While there were not enough spaces on this committee to permit all applicants to be appointed, it is hoped that physicians will consider applying for other positions that may be of interest to help make a difference for the profession. The latest committee openings can be found here.