Doctors of BC runs largely on the power of doctors who dedicate their time and energy toward making British Columbia a better place to practise medicine. Together, the dozens of committees, the Board, the Representative Assembly, and the sections are the backbone of the organization. The Doctors of BC 2019–20 Report to Members summarizes the efforts of hundreds of BC doctors. 

Annual%20ReportIf you’ve ever wondered what opportunities exist for you to make a system-wide difference, have a look at the Report to Members. It will show you the breadth of committees and details about the important work that each is doing. 

The theme of this year’s report is “advocating for our members.” To illustrate some of the ways the association has been working to support you through the pandemic, it looks briefly at advocacy in the areas of expanded fees, supporting virtual care, peer support, income protection, and public campaigns. 

The report also contains a summary of the year from the CEO, President, Chair of the Board, and Speaker of the Representative Assembly, reports that speak to what the association has been doing through this very difficult year. Also included are the full audited financial statements.

The report is available now at

If you are interested in joining one of the Doctors of BC’s committees, watch for regular updates on this page.