The 2020 nomination period is open for members to run in upcoming elections for President-Elect and for District Delegate positions on the RA that become vacant at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting on December 11, 2020. These elections were postponed in March 2020, due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and are required to take place before the end of the calendar year. These positions will be elected by the entire membership.

It is also your opportunity to nominate for the Board of Directors positions, Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the RA, and for various Statutory Committee positions that will also become vacant at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting on December 11, 2020. NOTE: While the nominees for these positions come from the general membership, these positions will be elected by the RA Delegates.

The call for nominations is open until 11:59 pm, Monday, October 19, 2020. If you are considering this opportunity, a reminder that you must be a Doctors of BC member in good standing in a category eligible to hold office and vote.

A quick look at timelines:

  • Nominations Close – 11:59 pm, Monday October 19, 2020
  • All Campaign Materials – 3:00 pm, Monday October 26, 2020
  • Electronic Voting Starts – Monday November 9, 2020
  • Electronic Voting Ends – 11:59 pm, Wednesday December 9, 2020
  • Election Results Announced, Thursday December 10, 2020

For detailed information on the process, click here (login required).