A life in medicine is marked with many milestones, and for British Columbia’s first-year medical students, getting your CMA-Doctors of BC backpack is a big one. 

For more than 20 years, Doctors of BC and the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) have marked the start of the journey in medicine by handing out coloured backpacks during medical student orientations. The bags are recognizable throughout the profession as the design is the same, but each year’s bag is an unique colour – this year it’s green – that marks that year’s cohort of students.

Backpack%20DayOn Thursday, August 29, Medical Student Orientation took place at the Vancouver campus. Commonly known as Backpack Day by medical students, isn’t just a time to collect the coveted backpack. It also introduces students to Doctors of BC and begins a lifelong relationship as we support them through medical school, residency, practice, and into retirement.

It’s an opportunity to kick off a life in medicine where students to learn about the benefits Doctors of BC provides them, like complimentary insurance coverages, financial and mental health supports, and avenues in which they can become connected and engaged with the Association.

Doctors of BC is here for our doctors of tomorrow with a strong foundation of comprehensive supports through every step of their journey, just as we are for all members.