For the past year, Doctors of BC has been conducting a wide-ranging consultation with members to identify steps to encourage greater inclusion and to increase diversity within our governance bodies – the Board, Representative Assembly, and committees. With input from the Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, our independent consultant engaged with physician members in three phases: a round table discussion at our Representative Assembly meeting in February; an online survey; and focus groups and one-on-one interviews to gather more in-depth information on some of the themes that emerged from the first two phases.
At its November 1, 2019 meeting, the Doctors of BC Board accepted the consultant’s report, Diversity and Inclusion Barrier Assessment (member login required), and approved the more than 50 recommendations in principle, noting that some will require further analysis to consider their feasibility. Board members expressed their commitment to bringing about positive change, and asked staff to begin the process of prioritizing the recommendations with respect to short-term, medium-term, and long-term actions. A roadmap providing a timeline for changes will be shared in the new year.
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