On Thursday, March 28th at 7 PM we will be holding a province-wide online discussion to give you the opportunity – from the comfort of your home or office – to ask questions about the tentative PMA.

The session will start with a short introduction from our Chief Negotiator, Mr Paul Strasazk, and Dr Trina Larsen Soles, Chair of the Statutory Negotiating Committee. We will then open it up to member questions. 

How to register

Members would have received an email invitation on Monday, March 25th with detailed instructions on how to register. We will be using the Crowdcast platform (the same tool used during last year’s member engagement surrounding the PMA) to engage with you in an easy, efficient and practical way. 

How to participate

Come March 28th, you will enter the online discussion using the same URL link you used to register. Log-on from a desktop computer, laptop, or mobile device and ensure that you have a strong and dependable Internet connection, as well as the latest internet browser including Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge and Safari. Please note Internet Explorer does not support Crowdcast. 

If you are using an Apple device (iPhone or iPad which uses iOS), you can download the Crowdcast app or view in your mobile browser. If you have an Android device, Crowdcast can be used with Chrome for Android or Firefox for Android. 

We recommend entering a few minutes early and making sure you have everything you need by completing this checklist

We hope you will join in this online discussion. We want to ensure to have all of the information necessary to make an informed decision in the ratification vote.

If you have any questions about the discussion, please email communications@doctorsofbc.ca.

If you have any questions specific to the tentative agreement, please email negotiations@doctorsofbc.ca.