Be%20Active%20Every%20DayBe Active Every Day -  Doctors of BC’s annual public health campaign that sees physicians challenge kids to make healthy, active choices - is back. This October, physicians in BC will challenge kids ages 5 to 11 to make healthy choices within this year’s theme: Let’s Play! 

Physicians encourage kids to not only get out to play and be active for at least 60 minutes every day, but will also emphasize how to stay safe while having fun.

The role of physicians in Be Active Every Day

Physicians volunteer a few hours at the beginning and end of October to speak to kids at their local school. Doctors of BC coordinates events to make it easy - find and connect physicians with a school, provide an activity book and videos for the students, and we also send doctors some cool items to share with the kids.

Be%20Active%20Every%20Day%20LogoDoctors of BC, representing physicians in our province, is committed to supporting communities to be active and stay healthy. Last year, physicians reached out to almost 5,000 students through Be Active Every Day. We hope you will consider joining us to make this year’s event a success. Schools, teachers, and physicians can find more information and register at: