During our first Physician Burdens engagement, you told us about increasing demands that impact you, your practice and, in many cases, your health and wellbeing. Although your input was thorough and informative, we have decided to do a second round of member engagement in order to fully address this important issue.
Our policy development process does not typically include more than one round of member engagement, but this issue is serious and complex. In the first engagement, you raised significant issues and insightful ideas for solutions that we researched and assessed to determine feasibility, stakeholder appetite, and impact.
Your feedback told us that there’s more work to be done to further understand the solutions that will be most effective – and we want to get it right.
Watch for more details on how you can engage with us further in the coming weeks. Our goal is to use your input from both engagements to develop effective and actionable policy aimed at reducing or eliminating the burdens that can lead to physician stress and burnout.