The Doctors of BC Board of Directors met in January, its first meeting of the new year. The Board report provides members with a summary and action items on these topics and more:
- A negotiations update as well as addressing questions from some members who are asking why they do not receive information on what is happening at the bargaining table.
- A discussion about primary care transformation and the need to clarify the roles being played by the organizations and/or structures representing BC physicians, and to work toward stronger alignment between them.
- A new policy on dual directorships for Doctors of BC Board members who also sit on other Boards of related organizations, and
- A review of our committees.
If you have any questions, or ideas, you can e-mail Board Chair Dr Jeff Dresselhuis at Contact information for Board members and Representative Assembly can be found here. (Note: you must log-in to the member’s site in order to view the contact information).