Doctors of BC works with members toward our strategic purpose: making a difference for BC’s doctors. Our goal is to achieve economic reward and professional satisfaction for physicians, and to create a favourable social, political, and economic environment that promotes the highest standard of health care. Many members are also taking advantage of a range of member benefits and services, such as insurance, that are helping with practices and personal lives.
We hope that you will support us in these objectives on behalf of the profession. This is particularly important as we are negotiating for a new 2019 Physician Master Agreement with government. There are many challenges in our health care system today, and our collective and strategic approach is more important than ever before.
To renew your membership, all you need to do is log in to your account at and you will be prompted through the renewal process.
Please note that 2019 dues will still include membership in the Canadian Medical Association (CMA). With the 2020 membership renewal you will have a choice on whether to join the CMA, as was detailed in the President’s Letter of November 8, 2018.
Renew your membership by the following dates you will be entered into a draw for:
- A free membership for 2019 (renew online before January 31, 2019)
- An iPad (renew online by March 31, 2019)
Renew your membership now! Questions? E-mail or call 604 638 2927 (1 800 665 2262).