The tenth anniversary of Walk with your Doc saw a record number of doctors walking side by side with their patients in an informal environment where they can discuss the health benefits walking provides and can encourage their patients to live an active healthy lifestyle.

Walk%20With%20Your%20Doc%202019Established by Doctors of BC in 2010, Walk with your Doc happens once each year and provides doctors with the resources to host walking events in their communities and connect with patients outside the traditional doctor’s visit. 
Doctors of BC President Dr Eric Cadesky hosted an event in his home neighborhood of Kitsilano, Vancouver where he was joined by physiotherapists, Doctors of BC staff, friends, family, and colleagues.

On Vancouver Island the Comox Valley Division of Family Practice held walks in Comox and Courtney, while Parksville hosted its annual walk at the Parksville Medical Clinic.

Comox%20Walk%20With%20Your%20DocOn the Sunshine Coast 27 doctors came together to walk with their community. In Hope, Debra Elliott, health services coordinator for Hope and Fraser Canyon, said their lunch-time event is a “Great way to interact with the community and make a presence outside of the clinic (for staff). It’s about the community seeing us active and leading by example,” when she spoke with local media.

Burnaby continues to grow its event with Dr Davidicus Wong giving a healthy living talk before getting out on the walk, joined by colleagues, Division of Family Practice members, Mayor Mike Hurley, council members, and patients. And if you thought not having The Pier to meet at for White Rock’s annual walk would slow them down, 100 participants showed up ready to walk with their doctors! 

The 2019 Walk with your Doc event took place May 4 - 12 with more than 440 doctors prescribing exercise to their patients at more than 35 walking events across British Columbia. For more information visit the Walk with your Doc website at