Autumn is here, and that means it is time for Doctors of BC’s annual Be Active Every Day campaign to help kids get more physically active and to adopt healthier lifestyles.

Be%20Active%20Every%20DayThe campaign started October 1st, with nearly 5,000 students in elementary schools around the province taking part. Doctors go to schools to talk about the importance of being active and eating healthy – and sometimes it brings out their inner kid too! Students are given a series of challenges with the goal of being active for 60 minutes every day throughout the month. This years’ ‘Choose your own Adventure Activity’ gives them the opportunity to get active in the way they like best – from team sports like soccer and baseball, to dance, gymnastics, hiking, or biking.

The campaign also supports the evidence based Live 5-2-1-0 message to encourage kids to enjoy healthy food, power down their screens, get out and play, and choose healthy drinks.

Why is this campaign important? This year’s Participaction report card has a simple message: ‘Canadian kids need to move more to boost their brain health’. Be Active Every Day hopes to show kids that getting active is fun and that it’s easy to get into the habit every day of the year!

To learn more about the campaign, and see what schools are participating check out the brand new Be Active Every Day website at