New ICBC Fees
February 14, 2019

New ICBC regulations for treatment of patients injured in motor vehicle accidents will come into effect April 1, 2019. Doctors of BC was a key stakeholder in forming the new model, which brings more clinical autonomy and increased compensation levels for physicians.  

Acknowledging the...

Physicians asking questions
February 13, 2019

Doctors of BC is currently negotiating with the provincial government for a new Physician Master Agreement (PMA).  Physicians are asking a number of questions on this important topic. We have collected the recurring themes into a set of Questions and Answers (log-in required).


February 13, 2019

We are hearing a great deal about the growing challenge of opioid use and addiction in BC. It’s also a growing problem for new moms and their babies, as physicians in Fraser Northwest discovered.

While doing its research to create Primary Care Networks, the Fraser Northwest Division of...

Board and RA
February 8, 2019

The Doctors of BC Board of Directors met in January, its first meeting of the new year. The Board report provides members with a summary and action items on these topics and more:

A negotiations update as well as addressing questions from some members who are asking why they do not receive...
February 4, 2019

Are you interested in becoming a candidate for President-Elect, the Representative Assembly or the Board?

Election time is coming up this Spring. The Doctors of BC Board recently approved election timelines for 2019.  Here is an overview of the key dates to keep in mind, as well as a list...