February 26, 2019

Doctors of BC congratulates physicians from the Fraser Northwest Division of Family Practice on the announcement of new Primary Care Networks (PCNs) underway in the division’s local communities. (Read the full announcement here).

Physicians have been working with local partners for months...

ICBC Webinar
February 25, 2019

ICBC and UBC Continuing Professional Development are offering physicians free online training to introduce upcoming changes for treating patients injured in a motor vehicle accident. 

The Continuing Medical Education accredited webinar will take place on two dates – April 3 or April 9,...

Transgender youth
February 21, 2019

A project to build a clear pathway to quality health care for transgender youth that began with physicians in Abbotsford has now expanded to other communities in the Fraser Valley.
With an estimated 690 people identifying as transgender in that community, physicians knew they had a...

Diversity and Inclusion
February 15, 2019

We will be asking physicians around the province get involved and help make Doctors of BC more diverse and inclusive, so that we can better reflect the whole profession.

There will be lots of ways to get involved. Watch for details soon and get ready to make your mark....

February 14, 2019

Doctors of BC has been made aware there are letters, flyers and other types of communications being sent to physicians that may contain misleading and inaccurate information about new ICBC regulations for treatment of patients, which come into effect April 1.

Some of the letters claim the...