Voting is now open to ratify the 2022 Physician Master Agreement (PMA) and all members are encouraged to cast their vote. This agreement achieves some major accomplishments for both doctors and patients, and delivers on what doctors across BC identified as priority issues. Doctors of BC’s Board of Directors has endorsed it and is recommending it be accepted.
How to vote
On Monday, November 14, eligible members would have received an email from ElectionBuddy inviting your participation in the ratification vote. This email contains a link to the external voting site, as well as all necessary login information. If you do not receive it or have technical difficulties accessing the voting site or logging in, please contact ElectionBuddy directly at or Doctors of BC at More information can be found in our President’s Letter (login required).
Making an informed decision
Everything you need to make an informed decision can be found on our PMA webpage (login required), which contains highlights of the agreement, quick overviews outlining what the PMA means for specialists and for family physicians, and an Information Package that includes an overview, detailed summary, and a link to the full tentative agreement. The Information Package can also be found in the email invitation and on the voting website.
Should you have any questions about voting or about eligibility to vote, please contact If you have questions specific to the PMA, please contact