The Joint Collaborative Committees, a partnership between Doctors of BC and the BC government, invite physicians and health care providers to attend the 2023 JCC Pre-Forum on Tuesday, June 6th, 2023, in Vancouver. This year’s theme explores Collaborative Compassion: The Power of Connectedness.
This one-day event is intended to highlight the diverse and varied work of the collaborative committees, and to recognize the work being accomplished by our partnerships with others in health care. As physicians and health care providers demonstrate the value of collaboration through showcasing quality improvement (QI) projects, we look to harness compassion and connectedness to increase the opportunities to expand and positively influence patient care and the health care system.
Event participants will have the opportunity to attend a variety of QI presentations in various formats such as keynote speakers, rapid fire presentations, workshops, and storyboard displays. Topics to include virtual care, cultural safety and humility, emergency preparedness, and physician and team burnout that will reflect the scope of health care priorities that physicians and partners are working to address through JCC initiatives and partnerships.
Keynote Speakers
Event participants will have the opportunity to hear from renowned keynote speakers, Drs Susan Biali-Haas and James Makokis.
Dr Susan Biali Haas is an award-winning medical doctor, health and wellness expert, coach, speaker, and author. She expertly applies her experience and skills to help people manage stress, reduce burnout and live better, more resilient lives. Dr Biali Haas has a Doctorate of Medicine and Bachelor of Science in Dietetics from the University of British Columbia and released her latest book, The Resilient Life, in the autumn of 2022.
As a family physician, Dr James Makokis leads one of North America’s most progressive family medical clinics serving both LGBTQ2S+ and First Nations peoples from all over Canada, featured in AJ+ and Thomson Reuters Documentaries. Dr Makokis is a national and internationally recognized leader and author in the area of Indigenous health and transgender health. He is a proud Cree, Two-Spirit physician from Saddle Lake First Nation in Northern, AB, and shares a wide range of his personal experiences, areas of expertise, Indigenous knowledge, and his compassionate understandings with audiences for his quest to serve others and bring measurable change within the nation.
Sponsorship and Registration
In conjunction with BC Patient Safety & Quality Council (BCPSQC) Quality Forum (June 6 – June 8, 2023) funding is available to cover registration and expenses for up to 250 practicing physicians in BC to attend the Pre-Forum and Quality Forum. When completing the registration form, physicians can access this funding by entering the discount code QF23-JCC to waive all associated registration fees and entering their MSP number to verify eligibility. More details on physician funding coverage can be found here.
To receive the latest event news and FAQs, please check the JCC Pre-Forum event webpage. For any questions, please email
Tuesday, June 6th, 2023
8:00am – 4:30pm
Hyatt Regency Vancouver
655 Burrard Street