BC’s doctors are encouraging British Columbians to get vaccinated and mask up, especially now when the province is experiencing a dramatic rise in cases of flu and respiratory illness, particularly among children. As we move toward the holiday season, the province is facing the “triple threat” of the flu, the viral disease known as RSV, and the continued spread of COVID-19.

The most powerful defense against these respiratory illnesses is to be fully vaccinated. Doctors of BC urges everyone to get their flu vaccine and COVID-19 booster, and to ensure your children are also vaccinated, because this year they too are experiencing severe flu and respiratory illnesses. We also strongly recommend that you mask up in crowded settings such as holiday gatherings, concerts, travelling in airports and on buses, and when you are around young children and the elderly.  

The challenging flu season means emergency rooms and other health care settings, already overwhelmingly busy, are currently under extreme strain. By protecting yourselves and your families, you will also help to ensure that our health care system is available for everyone who becomes ill.

More information can be found here:

Get Vaccinated

Information about Flu vaccinations in BC

Information about COVID vaccinations in BC

Child Health BC

Who to call when your child gets sick