Doctors of BC supports physicians at every stage of their careers, including the busy and exciting years spent as medical students. One of the ways we do this is by providing an annual $10,000 grant to the UBC Medical Undergraduate Society, which helps to fund a broad variety of activities for medical student clubs and societies in the province.

For 2024, Doctors of BC has provided more than 30 medical student groups and societies with funding to assist them in their personal and professional development, medical education, and their mental and physical well-being during what can be a high-pressure time in their lives.

Read on to learn about three of the student initiatives Doctors of BC is supporting.

UBC Family Medicine Interest Group – Suturing workshop

The UBC Family Medicine Interest Group recently hosted a suturing workshop for more than 40 first- and second-year medical students. The event provided the students with the opportunity to review proper instrument handling, attempt different types of suturing techniques, and ask questions to hone their practical skills.

The Reading Bear Society – Dr Bear literacy program

Funding from the Doctors of BC MUS grant has allowed the early childhood literacy non-profit, the Reading Bear Society, to expand the Prince George “Dr Bear” classroom program. Medical students read a story to children about a doctor bear running his clinic, and use the teddy bears to demonstrate procedures that children might experience at a doctor’s office, such as a checkup, or a vaccination.

Since receiving the funding, the group increased their annual classroom visits in Prince George from one to 30. Club co-chair and medical student, Crystal McCleod, said: “We feel our Dr Bear visits are meaningful in the North where children may have little exposure to healthcare professionals early on. It is making an impact on how children access health care with their families and planting the seeds for a future career in healthcare.”

UBC Medicine Hockey Club

The UBC Medicine Hockey Club recently hosted a Learn to Skate Event where students at the Vancouver Fraser site had the opportunity to learn some of the basics of skating, and try ice hockey for the first time. Club president and medical student, Arya Ardehali, said: “With the stressors of medical school, this event provided many of us with a fun and much needed break. And as someone who grew up playing ice hockey, I am aware of the barriers that exist in the sport, the most significant of which being the cost. As such, our club wanted to host an event where our fellow classmates would have the opportunity to try ice hockey free of charge. Your generous sponsorship enabled us to do this, and we are extremely appreciative of your support.”

Further supporting our doctors of tomorrow

In addition to the MUS grant, Doctors of BC also advocates for medical students on important issues, provides networking opportunities with seasoned physicians, offers confidential support through the Physician Health Program, and more. You can learn about the many ways we support medical students throughout BC on our student information webpage.