On Tuesday, September 6, family doctors would have received emails detailing the funding application process for the $75M Clinic Stabilization Payment and the $43M Community Longitudinal Family Physician (CLFP) payment from the GPSC. This interim funding is to help stabilize family practices until a new payment model is developed, and to provide a bridge for practices and clinics to meet their expenses and keep their doors open for patients from October 1 to January 31, 2022.
How to apply
The stabilization funding has two components: $75 M in new funding provided by government to support the Clinic Stabilization Payment, and $43M from the General Practice Services Committee (GPSC) to support the 2022 Community Longitudinal Family Physician (CLFP) Payment. The emails sent included links to all application forms. Here is a breakdown of the two payments:
- Clinic Stabilization Funding: The Clinic Stabilization Payment has been introduced to support family doctors who provide longitudinal family practice services and/or episodic primary care services (e.g. walk-in clinic services) in clinics that provide in-person patient visits and where family doctors are responsible for contributing to the overhead costs of the clinic. The time family doctors spend delivering virtual care services to patients from home offices can also be included, provided that the family doctors also deliver services while physically located in the clinic.
- Application forms are to be submitted by Clinic Medical Directors only, detailed information can be found in this FAQ document (login required).
- The deadline to submit this application form is September 30, 2022, with Clinical Stabilization Payments expected to be distributed in October.
- Questions? Email FPstabilization@doctorsofbc.ca.
- Community Longitudinal Family Physician (CLFP) Payment: Since 2019, the CLFP payment has been provided to recognize family physicians who work under fee-for-service and provide long-term, relationship-based care for a panel of patients. While the CLFP Payment is an ongoing annual payment, the upcoming payment includes the new interim funding that supports an additional top up made available by GPSC for 2022 to further enhance financial supports for community longitudinal family physicians at this challenging time.
- Please see the GPSC website for more information about the 2022 CLFP Payment, detailed information can be found in this FAQ document (login required).
- The deadline to submit the claim form is September 30, 2022, with payments to be delivered to eligible physicians in October.
- Questions? Email gpsc.billing@doctorsofbc.ca.
Further information can be found from the joint announcement with government and the recent President’s Letter (login required).