As part of our ongoing commitment to a more inclusive Doctors of BC, we started including optional personal demographic questions in the member registration and renewal form in 2022. This demographic data is being collected to measure how we’re doing in our efforts to increase the diversity and inclusivity of our governance bodies – the Board, Representative Assembly, and Committees. In 2022, approximately 11,000 members chose to provide responses to optional questions on gender identity, sexual orientation, race, disability, and age*.

The 2022 Member Demographic Report compares the demographic makeup of our membership population to our governance bodies, and shows that our governance bodies are largely representative of our membership, with some small differences. While this is positive news, we also recognize there is still much work to be done to improve the equity, diversity, and inclusivity of our governance bodies and the profession as a whole.

The information in this report will be used to help inform development of our EDI goals and priorities, and help us track our progress in achieving them.

Learn more about our ongoing equity, diversity, and inclusion work here or email questions to

*Note: This data is only used at an aggregate level (in a de-identified form) for the sole purpose of measuring the overall diversity of our membership and governance bodies. It is not used – or available – for looking at the diversity of individual members.