Dr Greg Deans has always loved solving mysteries. “I like the detective work of figuring out what’s going on which involves gathering clues and putting the pieces together.”

It is one of the reasons that he decided to become a specialist in infectious diseases. Originally from Manitoba, he came to Vancouver to do his infectious diseases fellowship at UBC and has now been practicing in Surrey for eight years. He is also a Clinical Assistant Professor with the university. “Mostly, I love getting to know my patients to help solve the mystery of what is ailing them. I meet a lot of new people, and thankfully, a lot of the time we can cure them.”

Dr%20Greg%20DeansThese two passions – getting to know people and putting the puzzle pieces together – make him a perfect fit for his position as chair of the Doctors of BC Nominating Committee. This is a group of physicians who review candidates for positions on the Association’s many committees and then make recommendations to the Board.  

During Pride Month, he has a message for LGTBQ+ physicians: “Get involved!”

“As an out gay physician, I really appreciate how I’ve felt my voice was accepted and listened to here at Doctors of BC. I do know that there are people who don’t feel represented or that their voices are heard; this is ongoing work we all have do. Like the rest of society, we are all moving forward together. Doctors of BC is working to help ensure that we all have an opportunity to engage in the organization. I hope other LGBTQ+ physicians will feel comfortable getting involved. Do not hesitate to step up to bring that perspective and that voice to a committee, or to the Representative Assembly, or to anywhere you might have something to contribute.”

In addition to considering the professional qualifications of a candidate, Nominating Committee members also consider the unique experience and perspectives they may bring with them, part of the Association’s larger strategy toward greater diversity and inclusion.

“Each applicant is a fresh possibility, without any preconceived notions. We look for new perspectives from someone who is perhaps new to the organization and who brings lived experience, new voices to represent the diversity of our members. Who we end up recommending isn’t always exactly who the committee might have expected, or who we would have expected at the start of the process. We’re really pleased when committees come back and thank us for the fresh voice we sent them and the new perspectives at the table.”

And why is diversity within Doctors of BC committees important? “We know that discrimination exists in healthcare and can have a significant negative impact on healthcare outcomes. Having an organization that better represents the diversity of BC’s doctors will help us to better address the healthcare needs of everyone in the province. We hope that over time, Doctors of BC committees will be enriched by the engagement of doctors from historically under-represented groups including women, people of colour including indigenous British Columbians, members from rural areas, people living with disabilities, LGBTQ+ people, and anyone else who feels they have not had a voice.

As for Dr Deans, his experience at the Representative Assembly and with the Nominating Committee has been especially rewarding, because it makes him feel like part of the broader community of BC physicians. 

“I was connected to my local colleagues and within my specialty, but getting involved with Doctors of BC has helped me to connect with physicians from around the province.”

Are you interested in joining a Doctors of BC committee? Updates on vacancies and information on how to apply is regularly updated on our website.