Protect your biggest asset: Your ability to earn income
Disability Income Protection provides you with a monthly tax-free income should an accident or illness prevent you from working or training. Use your coverage to pay for rent, mortgage, debt repayments, living expenses, and medical costs, and build your retirement savings.
Practicing physicians
Two disability insurance plans are available through Doctors of BC:
- INCOMEprotect™ for practicing physicians
- Physicians' Disability Insurance (BC government funded)
INCOMEprotect™ for practicing physicians
INCOMEprotect™ disability coverage provides a monthly tax-free income should an accident or illness prevent you from working totally or partially. Use your benefit to pay for rent, mortgage, debt repayment, living expenses, medical costs and build your retirement savings. INCOMEprotect™ for practicing physicians is a personally-paid plan that can supplement the BC government-funded Physicians’ Disability Insurance (PDI) plan. It offers higher coverage levels and optional riders to enrich your disability coverage.
Member advantage
Competitive member rates
Premiums are significantly discounted for members. INCOMEprotect™ premium structure follows the concept of present value - paying less today is better than paying less in the future when the value of money has decreased. Rates are designed to be lowest in earlier years so you can invest more in your business and your family. Premiums slowly increase in five-year age bands as rising earnings and inflation continue to make premiums affordable. This premium structure differs from alternative individual plans which have level premiums that start at much higher rates.
Exclusive plan design
The plan is specifically tailored for physicians. You can choose from various optional features to customize the plan based on your needs and budget. Over time, Doctors of BC has added new features and increased maximums to ensure you’re well protected.
INCOMEprotect™ provides coverage while you reside in Canada and, under certain guidelines, worldwide as long as you are a member of Doctors of BC. A nominal membership fee is charged if you are out-of-province.
Association support
Doctors of BC is the leading insurance provider for doctors in the province and we are uniquely not-for-profit. Our commitment to members is reflected in many ways. An Insurance Committee, comprised of doctors like yourself, helps oversee the management of the plans to ensure they are protecting members well. A team of non-commissioned, licensed advisors are available to provide unbiased and expert advice. Additionally, if you are in the unfortunate circumstance of needing to make a claim, your association will be by your side to support you.
Coverage details
Coverage amount
$500 - $25,000 of monthly tax-free benefits, in $100 increments.
Benefit period
If you are disabled before age 63, your benefit continues until age 65 or upon recovery, whichever comes first. If you become totally disabled between 63 and 70, there is a 24-month maximum benefit period. Benefits are not payable beyond your 71st birthday.
Elimination period
The elimination period is the number of days of disability within a specific period until you can begin receiving the monthly benefit. The longer the elimination period, the lower the premium. Choose from 28, 60, 90, or 120 days.
Included features
Total disability
You may receive full benefits if, as a result of sickness or injury, you are unable to perform the regular and important duties of your regular occupation, you are under the regular care of a physician, and you are not engaged in any other gainful occupation.
Partial/Residual disability benefit
You may receive partial benefits if, as a result of sickness or injury, you are under the regular care of an attending physician and have a loss of at least 20% of your average monthly earned income and are still able to perform some of your work or are working in another occupation.
HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C benefit
You may receive partial benefits If you test positive for HIV or Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C virus and you are asymptomatic, but your practice is limited by a regulatory body due to your diagnosis.
Survivor benefit
Your named beneficiary receives three times your monthly disability benefit if you die while on claim.
Rehabilitation benefit
If you are disabled and under the age of 65, you may choose to participate in a rehabilitation program funded by the insurer while continuing to receive a monthly benefit.
Presumed total disability
Even if you are able to work, you may be considered totally disabled and receive total disability benefits if, as a result of sickness or injury, you totally and irrecoverably lose the power of speech, sight in both eyes, hearing in both ears or the use of both hands or both feet.
Cosmetic or transplant donor surgery
If you become totally disabled as a result of cosmetic surgery or a transplant where part of the body is transplanted to another person, you may be considered totally disabled.
Optional features
Guaranteed insurability rider (GIB)
- Guarantees you can increase your coverage later, regardless of changes in your health.
- Can increase coverage by up to $2,500 during the annual option period (November 1-30), no medical questions asked (must be age 55 or under and meet earnings requirements).
Cost of living adjustment rider (COLA)
- Ensures your coverage keeps up with the rising cost of living by increasing your monthly benefit according to the National Consumer Price Index, up to the maximum you’ve selected, either 3% or 6%.
- COLA applies if you’ve been disabled for 12 consecutive months, and continues each year you remain disabled until you’re age 65.
Own occupation rider
- Provides enhanced coverage if you seek alternative work while disabled. If you are totally disabled from your regular occupation and choose to work in a new occupation, you may be eligible to continue receiving full disability benefits in addition to your new employment earnings.
- Own Occupation rider ends once you reach age 65.
Retirement protection rider
- Helps keep your retirement plan on track by providing a monthly contribution to an investment account while you are disabled.
- If your annual earned income net of expenses is:
- Less than $100,000 your monthly benefit amount is $500; or
- Greater than $100,000 you may choose a monthly benefit of either $500, $1,000, or $1,500.
- Retirement Protection Rider begins after 90 consecutive days of total disability and continues for each month you remain totally disabled, up to age 65.
You are eligible to apply for this coverage if you are:
- A member of Doctors of BC or the Yukon Medical Association.
- Under age 65.
- Actively at work in Canada for 25 hours per week for at least 46 weeks per year or at least 1300 hours over the course of 12 months.
Evidence of insurability may be required.
Special offer
If you were enrolled in at least $2,000 of Doctors of BC INCOMEprotect™ for residents 12 months or more prior to completing your training, you have 90 days from completing residency or fellowship to switch to INCOMEprotect™ for practicing physicians and apply for the BC government-funded physicians’ disability insurance without evidence of insurability.
How much does it cost?
Quotes and rate
Use the rate sheet to calculate your cost.
Apply or get advice
Application process
Complete the disability income protection online form to apply.
Upon submitting your e-application, our insurance team may email you if clarification is required. Once your application is in good order, you will be requested to provide your signature via DocuSign. Your application is then forwarded to the insurer for review.
Evidence of insurability is required unless you are eligible for a special offer (see Eligibility). After submission of your application, you will be contacted by Manulife’s paramedical provider, Dynacare, to complete a telehealth interview. Depending on your age, health and the amount of coverage being applied for, you may be contacted to provide additional evidence such as a blood and urine sample, vitals, paramedical exam, or ECG. The insurer may request an attending physicians’ statement from your doctor.
Depending on the complexity of your application and the time it takes to gather the medical requirements, it may take the insurer 1-3 months to provide a decision.
Book a free consultation
A licensed, non-commissioned Doctors of BC Insurance advisor can assess your situation and give you personalized recommendations and quotes. Contact an advisor.
Learn more
Read the INCOMEprotect™ for practicing physicians plan brochure.
Make a claim
See Make a Claim for step-by-step instructions.
Physicians’ Disability Insurance (PDI)
Physicians’ Disability Insurance (PDI) is a short and long term disability plan that is funded by the provincial government. The plan provides a non-taxable basic monthly benefit up to $6,100 should an accident or illness prevent you from working totally or partially. Use your benefit to pay for rent, mortgage, debt repayments, living expenses, medical costs and build your retirement savings.
The benefit amount is based on your BC-eligible earnings. Membership is not required to access this government-paid negotiated benefit. Coverage is voluntary and you must apply to enroll.
As high-income earners, physicians are encouraged to have additional disability coverage to ensure adequate income loss protection. You may supplement PDI with the personally-paid INCOMEprotect™ for practicing physician's plan.
Member advantage
No-cost premium
The BC government pays premiums of PDI, a negotiated benefit, on physicians’ behalf, so enrollees do not pay out-of-pocket premiums. The PDI benefit you receive while disabled (either partially or fully) is non-taxable.
Therefore, the Canada Revenue Agency considers the PDI premium paid on your behalf to be a personal taxable benefit, and a T4A will be issued to you annually.
Exclusive plan design
The plan pays benefits on the first day of hospitalization or after 14 days of a disability not requiring hospitalization. No other individual disability plans pay benefits as quickly.
PDI is a negotiated benefit for physicians earning BC-eligible earnings. If you no longer earn eligible income due to a change in earnings structure or to leaving the province, you may switch PDI to the personally-paid INCOMEprotect™ for practicing physicians disability plan without evidence of insurability to continue your disability protection.
You may switch back to PDI without evidence of insurability if you become eligible again. Switching of plans must be completed within 90 days from the change of earnings or leaving the province.
Association support
Doctors of BC is the leading insurance provider for doctors in the province and we are uniquely not-for-profit. Our commitment to members is reflected in many ways. An Insurance Committee, comprised of doctors like yourself, helps oversee the management of the plans to ensure they are protecting members well.
A team of non-commissioned, licensed advisors are available to provide unbiased and expert advice. Additionally, if you are in the unfortunate circumstance of needing to make a claim, your association will be by your side to support you.
Coverage details
Coverage amount
Your monthly PDI benefit is calculated each year and is based on your prior calendar year’s BC eligible earnings (fee-for-service billings, sessional payments, or non-salaried income under a service contract) and an overhead factor based on your practice type. The maximum monthly benefit is $6,100 (non-taxable). If you are in your first two years of practice, your benefit amount will be pro-rated based on actual earnings if a claim is made.
As high-income earners, physicians are encouraged to have additional disability coverage to ensure adequate income loss protection. You may supplement PDI with the INCOMEprotect™ for practicing physician's plan.
Benefit period
If you are disabled before age 65, your benefit continues until age 65 or upon recovery, whichever comes first. If you become totally disabled between 63 and 70, there is a 24-month maximum benefit period. Benefits are not payable beyond your 71st birthday.
Elimination period
The elimination period is the number of days of disability within a specific period until you can begin receiving the monthly benefit. PDI has a 1st day hospitalization coverage and 14-day elimination period for non-hospitalized disabilities.
Included features
Total disability
You may receive full benefits if, as a result of sickness or injury, you are unable to perform the regular and important duties of your regular occupation, you are under the regular care of a physician, and you are not engaged in any other gainful occupation.
Partial/Residual disability benefit
You may receive partial benefits if, as a result of sickness or injury, you are under the regular care of an attending physician and have a loss of at least 20% of your average monthly earned income and are still able to perform some of your work or are working in another occupation.
HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C benefit
You may receive partial benefits If you test positive for HIV or Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C virus and you are asymptomatic, but your practice is limited by a regulatory body due to your diagnosis.
Cash-flow replacement
If you return to work, a lump sum is paid to help re-establish your cash flow.
You are eligible to apply for this coverage if you are:
- under age 65; and
- licensed and practicing medicine in British Columbia.
- Receive fee-for-service, sessional payments, and/or non-salaried service contract income from the Medical Services Commission of British Columbia.
- Not a civil servant.
Evidence of insurability may be required.
Special offer
If you were enrolled in at least $2,000 of Doctors of BC INCOMEprotect™ for residents 12 months or more prior to completing your training, you have 90 days from completing residency or fellowship to enroll in PDI without evidence of insurability.
How much does it cost?
Premium free
There is no premium cost to you as premiums are paid by the BC government. You will receive an annual T4A to report the premium the government has paid on your behalf as taxable income. If you make a claim, the benefits you receive are tax-free.
Apply or get advice
Application process
Complete the Physicians' Disability Insurance online form to apply.
Upon submitting your e-application, our insurance team may email you if clarification is required. Once your application is in good order, you will be requested to provide your signature via DocuSign. Your application is then forwarded to the insurer for review.
Evidence of insurability is required unless you are eligible for a special offer (see Eligibility). After submission of your application, you will be contacted by Manulife’s paramedical provider, Dynacare, to complete a telehealth interview. Depending on your age, health and the amount of coverage being applied for, you may be contacted to provide additional evidence such as a blood and urine sample, vitals, paramedical exam, or ECG. The insurer may request an attending physicians’ statement from your doctor.
Depending on the complexity of your application and the time it takes to gather the medical requirements, it may take the insurer 1-3 months to provide a decision.
Book a free consultation
A licensed, non-commissioned Doctors of BC Insurance advisor can assess your situation and give you personalized recommendations and quotes. Contact an advisor.
Learn more
Frequently asked questions
How does Canada Pension Plan and WorkSafeBC benefits impact PDI?
The Physicians’ Disability Insurance (PDI) is a negotiated benefit paid for by the BC government. Enrolled physicians receive coverage at no premium cost. The BC government wants to ensure that there is no overlap between PDI and other government-funded disability benefits, mainly WorkSafe BC and Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) disability benefits.
PDI benefits are reduced by 50% of every CPP disability dollar received by a claimant. PDI benefits are reduced by 100% of every WorkSafeBC disability dollar received by a claimant. The total amount of benefits a claimant receives from PDI, WorkSafeBC, and CPP should total the same or more than what would have been received from PDI alone. CPP and WorkSafe are first payors, meaning they pay first and PDI pays second.
As per terms of the PDI contract, Manulife may require claimants to apply for CPP or WorkSafeBC to determine how much PDI benefit is payable. Claimants are more likely to be eligible for CPP if they are permanently disabled, are age 60 or over, or if the disability is severe.
As the CPP disability application process can take up to four months, Manulife may choose to pay a reduced benefit based on the assumption that a CPP claim will be approved or pay the full benefit and make a retroactive adjustment once a CPP claim is approved. Manulife manages each claim on a case-by-case basis and endeavours to pay benefits as quickly as possible while adhering to PDI’s contract provisions.
Most personally-paid disability plans, like Doctors of BC INCOMEprotect™, are not impacted by CPP and WorkSafeBC benefits. The additional requirement for applying for CPP or WorkSafeBC disability benefits is specific to the PDI claims process.
How does my other disability plan impact PDI?
The Physicians’ Disability Insurance (PDI) is a negotiated benefit paid for by the BC government. Enrolled physicians receive coverage at no premium cost. PDI benefits generally pay in addition to other employer or personal disability benefits a claimant may receive (except for CPP and WorkSafeBC disability). PDI benefits, along with most personally paid disability plan benefits, are non-taxable.
Because PDI coverage is issued based on eligible earnings, without consideration of other disability plans a claimant may hold, the PDI contract requires benefits to be reduced if the total disability payments received from all sources, including PDI, exceed 60% of the claimant’s pre-disability net earned income (before tax). This adjustment prevents over-insurance, where a claimant’s total amount of disability benefits is greater than their pre-disability earnings.
What happens if I temporarily stop practicing medicine?
If you will be temporarily absent from your medical practice for:
- A period not exceeding 5 years to undergo postgraduate medical training at an accredited medical school or hospital in a recognized university training program.
- A period not exceeding 12 months due to maternity leave.
- A period of six months for any other reason; your coverage can be maintained by providing written notice of your absence to Doctors of BC.
If you do not provide written notice of your absence, your coverage could be terminated and re-application for coverage will have to be made upon your return to practice in BC.
Should you become totally disabled while you have temporarily ceased practise and your coverage is continued, your benefit will be the monthly benefit in effect immediately prior to the commencement of your postgraduate training or absence from practice.
When will my PDI coverage end?
Your insurance will end on the date:
- You are no longer licensed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia and practicing medicine in British Columbia.
- You become a civil servant.
- You reach age 70.
- You no longer receive fee-for-service or sessional payments or income under a non-salaried service contract except for a temporary cessation of practice as described previously.
- You complete a termination request form to cancel your coverage, or the group policy terminates.
Making a claim
See Make a Claim for step-by-step instructions.
INCOMEprotect™ for residents
INCOMEprotect™ disability coverage provides a monthly tax-free income should an accident or illness prevent you from fully or partially training or working. Use your benefit to pay for rent, mortgage, debt repayment, living expenses, medical costs and build your retirement savings. INCOMEprotect™ for residents is a personally-paid plan that pays in addition to the mandatory resident Doctors of BC employer long-term disability plan. INCOMEprotect™ offers generous definitions, higher coverage levels and optional riders to enrich your disability coverage.
Upon completion of your training, you can switch this plan to the INCOMEprotect™ for practicing physicians plan, which can cover you worldwide while you practice medicine.
Member advantage
Future access to government-funded disability benefits
If you begin practice in BC, you may be eligible to enroll in the government-paid negotiated benefit, Physicians’ Disability Insurance (PDI). If you obtained at least $2,000 of INCOMEprotect™ for residents 12 months or more prior to completing your training, you may be eligible to enroll in PDI without evidence of insurability.
Competitive member rates
Premiums are significantly discounted for residents. This premium structure differs from alternative individual plans which have level premiums that start at much higher rates.
Exclusive plan design
The plan is specifically designed for resident physicians and have many built-in enhanced features. The plan also offers additional optional features to tailor coverage to your specific needs. When you start practicing, you can switch to the Practicing plan to safeguard your career earnings.
INCOMEprotect™ for residents provides coverage while you reside and train in Canada and the US (other countries may be covered upon insurer approval). You can maintain coverage worldwide during practice, within certain guidelines, as long as you are a member of Doctors of BC. A nominal membership fee is charged if you are out-of-province.
Association support
Doctors of BC is the leading insurance provider for doctors in the province and we are uniquely not-for-profit. Our commitment to members is reflected in many ways. An Insurance Committee, comprised of doctors like yourself, helps oversee the management of the plans to ensure they are protecting members well.
A team of non-commissioned, licensed advisors are available to provide unbiased and expert advice. Additionally, if you are in the unfortunate circumstance of needing to make a claim, your association will be by your side to support you.
Coverage details
Coverage amount
You may apply from $500-$7,500 of monthly tax-free coverage, depending on your training year. When you are in practice, coverage may be increased to $25,000.
- Residency Years 1-5: $500* monthly minimum coverage; $4,000 monthly maximum coverage
- Residency Years 6-7: $500* monthly minimum coverage; $6,000 monthly maximum coverage
- Fellowship: $500* monthly minimum coverage; $7,500 monthly maximum coverage
*The minimum recommended benefit is $2,000 to meet eligibility requirements for the PDI no-medical offer.
Benefit period
If you are disabled before age 63, your benefit continues until age 65 or upon recovery, whichever comes first.
Elimination period
You must be disabled for a total of 90 days within a specific period before you can begin receiving the monthly benefit.
Included features
Total disability
You may receive full benefits if, as a result of sickness or injury, you are unable to perform the regular and important duties of your regular occupation, you are under the regular care of a physician, and you are not engaged in any other gainful occupation.
True own occupation rider
- Provides enhanced coverage if you seek alternative work while disabled. If you are totally disabled from your regular occupation and choose to work in a new occupation, you may be eligible to continue receiving full disability benefits in addition to your new employment earnings.
- Own occupation rider ends once you reach age 65.
Guaranteed insurability rider (GIB)
- Guarantees you can increase your coverage later, regardless of changes in your health.
- In residency, you can increase to the maximum allowable amount every year from July 1 to July 31.
- When you are in practice you can increase coverage by up to $2,500 during the annual option period (November 1-30), no medical questions asked (must be age 55 or under and meet earnings requirements).
Cost of living adjustment rider (COLA)
- Ensures your coverage keeps up with rising cost of living by increasing your monthly benefit according to the National Consumer Price Index, up to 3%.
- COLA applies if you’ve been disabled for 12 consecutive months, and continues each year you remain disabled until you’re age 65.
- When you are in practice you have the option to increase COLA to 6%.
Top-up feature
- Protects you further by adding up to $2,000/month on top of your base benefit if your employer's long-term disability group benefits are terminated after two years due to a change in the definition of disability.
Partial/Residual disability benefit
You may receive partial benefits if, as a result of sickness or injury, you are under the regular care of an attending physician and have a loss of at least 20% of your average monthly earned income and are still able to perform some of your work or are working in another occupation.
HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C benefit
You may receive partial benefits If you test positive for HIV or Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C virus and you are asymptomatic, but your practice is limited by a regulatory body due to your diagnosis.
Survivor benefit
Your named beneficiary receives three times your monthly disability benefit if you died while on claim.
Rehabilitation benefit
If you are disabled and under the age of 65, you may choose to participate in a rehabilitation program funded by the insurer while continuing to receive a monthly benefit.
Presumed total disability benefit
Even if you are able to work, you may be considered totally disabled and receive total disability benefits if, as a result of sickness or injury, you totally and irrecoverably lose the power of speech, sight in both eyes, hearing in both ears or the use of both hands or both feet.
Cosmetic or transplant donor surgery
If you become totally disabled as a result of cosmetic surgery or a transplant where part of the body is transplanted to another person, you may be considered totally disabled.
Optional features
Retirement protection rider
- Helps keep your retirement plan on track by providing a $500 monthly contribution (in addition to regular benefit payments) to an investment account while you are disabled.
- Retirement Protection Rider begins after 90 consecutive days of total disability and continues for each month you remain totally disabled, up to age 65.
- When you are in practice you have the option to select $500, $1,000, or $1,500 of benefit.
You are eligible to apply for this coverage if you are a resident or fellow and are:
- A member of Doctors of BC or the Yukon Medical Association.
- Under the age 55.
- Actively on a full-time basis, undergoing a period of training as a resident or entered into a fellowship program in Canada or the US.
Evidence of insurability may be required.
Special offer
If you had INCOMEprotect™ for students' coverage upon graduating from UBC medical school, you have 90 days to elect continuation of coverage with INCOMEprotect™ for residents without evidence of insurability.
How much does it cost?
Use the rate sheet to calculate your cost.
Apply or get advice
Application process
Complete the INCOMEprotect for residents e-application to apply.
Upon submitting your e-application, our insurance team may email you if clarification is required. Once your application is in good order, you will be requested to provide your signature via DocuSign. Your application is then forwarded to the insurer for review.
Evidence of insurability is required unless you are eligible for a special offer (see Eligibility). After submission of your application, you will be contacted by Manulife’s paramedical provider, Dynacare, to complete a telehealth interview. Depending on your age, health and the amount of coverage being applied for, you may be contacted to provide additional evidence such as a blood and urine sample, vitals, paramedical exam, or ECG. The insurer may request an attending physician's statement from your doctor.
Depending on the complexity of your application and the time it takes to gather the medical requirements, it may take the insurer 1-3 months to provide a decision.
Book a free consultation
A licensed, non-commissioned Doctors of BC Insurance advisor can assess your situation and give you personalized recommendations and quotes. Contact an advisor.
Learn more
Read the INCOMEprotect™ for residents brochure.
Completion of residency
Next steps for fellowship
- Continue your INCOMEprotect™ for resident's plan while completing fellowship in Canada or the US.
- Increase your coverage to $7,500 without evidence of insurability within 90 days of completing residency.
- Update details of your fellowship program with Doctors of BC so we can contact you about your insurance options when you complete your training.
Next steps for practice
You must switch your plan to INCOMEprotect™ for practicing physicians within 90 days from the end of your training program. You can customize your plan to suit your practice needs without evidence of insurability, including:
- Increase coverage up to $7,500 for Family Doctors and $11,000 for specialists.
- Elect a shorter or longer elimination period.
- Add riders such as Cost of Living Adjustment, Guaranteed Insurability, True Own Occupation, and Retirement Protection.
- Enroll in the BC Government-funded Physicians’ Disability Insurance Plan (PDI)*.
Submit the resident/fellowship completion options form within 90 days of completing your training.
Speak with a non-commissioned Doctors of BC Insurance advisor three months before you complete your training to understand your options. Book a free consultation.
Making a claim
See Make a Claim for step-by-step instructions.
INCOMEprotect™ for students
INCOMEprotect™ disability coverage provides a monthly tax-free income should an accident or illness prevent you from fully or partially studying, training, or working. Use your benefit to pay for tuition, rent, mortgage, debt repayments, living expenses, medical costs, and loan repayments.
Doctors of BC’s board strongly believe that future doctors should be financially protected throughout their medical career journey. We pay over $150,000 annually for UBC medical students’ insurance premiums so that coverage is no-cost to students during school. Regardless of your health or lifestyle, you are guaranteed coverage without medical eligibility questions. Coverage is voluntary so you must enroll to be covered.
Upon completion of medical school, you may elect to continue coverage at discounted rates in Canada and the US during residency or fellowship, and worldwide during practice.
Member advantage
Guaranteed eligibility
Doctors of BC is the only provider of insurance to UBC medical students that doesn’t require medical or financial questions to determine eligibility.
No cost coverage
This offer has no strings attached. We do not collect premiums or your banking information. Premiums for students in years 1–4 enrolled in coverage are paid for by Doctors of BC so there is no cost to students. Fourth-year students who elect to increase coverage from $2,500 to $4,000 are charged a nominal fee, as listed below.
Future access to government-funded disability benefits
If you begin practice in BC, you may be eligible to enroll in the government-paid negotiated benefit, Physicians’ Disability Insurance (PDI). If you enrol in INCOMEprotect™ for students and retain at least $2,000 of coverage until practice, you may be eligible to enroll in PDI without evidence of insurability.
Competitive member rates
There are no premiums charged to you while you’re a student. If you choose to continue coverage as a resident or practicing physician, insurance premiums are significantly discounted in the earlier years of your training and practice to help maximize cash flow. Doctors of BC’s insurance premium structure differs from alternative individual plans that charge high level premiums.
Exclusive plan design
The plan is specifically designed for student physicians and have many built-in enhanced features. In residency and practice, the plan offers optional features to tailor coverage to your specific needs and budget. Coverage can be switched to the Residents and Practicing plans to safeguard your career earnings.
When you graduate, INCOMEprotect™ for resident provides coverage for your residency in Canada and the US (other countries may be covered upon insurer approval). You can maintain coverage worldwide during practice, within certain guidelines, as long as you are a member of Doctors of BC. A nominal membership fee is charged if you are out-of-province.
Association support
Doctors of BC is the leading insurance provider for doctors in the province and we are uniquely not-for-profit. Our commitment to members is reflected in many ways. An Insurance Committee, comprised of doctors like yourself, helps oversee the management of the plans to ensure they are protecting members well.
A team of non-commissioned, licensed advisors are available to provide unbiased and expert advice. Additionally, if you are in the unfortunate circumstance of needing to make a claim, your association will be by your side to support you.
Coverage details
Coverage amount
Medical school | Monthly tax-free benefit |
Year 1-2 | $1,500 |
Year 3 | $2,500 |
Year 4 Optional Upgrade | $2,500 $4,000 |
Benefit period
If you are disabled before age 63, your benefit continues until age 65 or upon recovery, whichever comes first.
Elimination period
You must be disabled for a total of 90 days within a specific period before you can begin receiving the monthly benefit.
Included features
Total disability
You may receive full benefits if, as a result of sickness or injury, you are unable to perform the regular and important duties of your regular occupation, you are under the regular care of a physician, and you are not engaged in any other gainful occupation.
Guaranteed insurability rider (GIB)
- Guarantees you can increase your coverage later, regardless of changes in your health.
Cost of living adjustment rider (COLA)
- Ensures your coverage keeps up with the rise in the cost of living, increasing your monthly benefit according to the National Consumer Price Index, up to 3%.
- COLA applies if you’ve been disabled for 12 consecutive months, and continues each year you remain disabled until you’re age 65.
Partial/residual disability benefit
You may receive partial benefits if, as a result of sickness or injury, you are under the regular care of an attending physician and are unable to perform the important duties of attending medical school at least one-half of the time normally required, you may receive 50% of your benefit amount for the first 36 months of the partial disability, and 25% thereafter.
HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C benefit
You may receive partial benefits If you test positive for HIV or Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C virus and you are asymptomatic, but your practice is limited by a regulatory body due to your diagnosis.
Survivor benefit
Your named beneficiary receives three times your monthly disability benefit if you died while on claim.
Rehabilitation benefit
If you are disabled and under the age of 65, you may choose to participate in a rehabilitation program funded by the insurer while continuing to receive a monthly benefit.
Presumed total disability benefit
Even if you are able to work, you may be considered totally disabled and receive total disability benefits if, as a result of sickness or injury, you totally and irrecoverably lose the power of speech, sight in both eyes, hearing in both ears or the use of both hands or both feet.
Cosmetic or transplant donor surgery
If you become totally disabled as a result of cosmetic surgery or a transplant where part of the body is transplanted to another person, you may be considered totally disabled.
Optional features in residency and practice
True own occupation rider
- Provides enhanced coverage if you seek alternative work while disabled. If you are totally disabled from your regular occupation and choose to work in a new occupation, you may be eligible to continue receiving full disability benefits in addition to your new employment earnings.
Cost of living adjustment rider (COLA)
- Ensures your coverage keeps up with the rise in the cost of living, increasing your monthly benefit according to the National Consumer Price Index, up to your choice of 3% or 6%.
Retirement protection rider
- Helps keep your retirement plan on track by providing a $500-$1,000 monthly contribution (in addition to regular benefit payments) to an investment account while you are disabled.
You are eligible to apply for this coverage if you are a resident or fellow and are at the time of application:
- A member of Doctors of BC (no-cost to students).
- At least 18 years of age and under age 65.
- A UBC medical student.
Special offer
If you have not enrolled in INCOMEprotect™ for students' coverage before, you may enroll without evidence of insurability anytime during medical school at UBC.
How much does it cost?
No cost for 1st - 3rd Year and for 4th Year base coverage as premiums are paid on your behalf by Doctors of BC.
Monthly cost for 4th Year optional increase to $4,000.
- Under age 40: $8.46
- 40 - 44: $16.91
- 45 - 54: $25.37
- 55 - 64: $35.27
Apply or get advice
What is the application process?
Complete the online First-Year membership and student insurance form or the student insurance form for all other years to apply.
Within 10 business days, you will receive your certificate of coverage by email.
Book a free consultation
A licensed, non-commissioned Doctors of BC Insurance advisor can assess your situation and give you personalized recommendations and quotes. Contact an advisor.
Learn more
Read the INCOMEprotect™ for students brochure.
Completion of Medical School
Next steps for residency
You must switch your plan to INCOMEprotect™ for residents within 90 days from the end of medical school. You can customize your plan to suit your residency needs without evidence of insurability, including:
- Increase coverage up to $4,000 in R1.
- Add the Retirement Protection Rider.
Learn more about INCOMEprotect™ for residents. Submit the medical graduate insurance options form within 90 days of your medical school completion date.
Speak with a non-commissioned Doctors of BC insurance advisor three months before you complete medical school to understand your options. Book a free consultation.
Making a claim
See Make a Claim for step-by-step instructions.