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Under the guidance and approval of Doctors of BC Board of Directors, the Inclusion Diversity and Equity Advisory (IDEA) Committee:

  • Provides advice to the Board and the Association on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) related issues pertaining to Doctors of BC governance bodies, members, and the profession at large.
  • Provides input on Board EDI goals and oversees their implementation.


The IDEA Committee

  • Reports to and advises the Doctors of BC Board of Directors on EDI matters.
  • Provide input on and implement the Board’s EDI goals.
  • Provide EDI related advice and guidance to other governance bodies and staff as needed.
  • Seek diverse member input on EDI priorities and issues where feasible and relevant.
  • Engage with relevant internal and external committees and stakeholders to inform the committee’s work and to advance its EDI objectives.
  • Produce an annual report to inform members of the committee’s activities.