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The Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee (GPAC) started as the Protocol Steering Committee (PSC).  The PSC and GPAC were merged into one committee in 1998.  The committee was established under Section 5(1)(o) of the Medicare Protection Act as an advisory committee to the Medical Services Commission. GPAC develops guidelines and protocols to recommend to the Medical Services Commission (MSC) for adoption in British Columbia, and supports strategies for helping doctors use them. GPAC intends its guidelines to provide practical and easy-to-follow advice to general practitioners for effective patient care. To carry out its responsibilities, GPAC oversees four Subcommittees and 20 or so Working Groups. Co-chaired by Doctors of BC and the Medical Services Plan (MSP), most members are practising physicians.

To find out more about GPAC, please visit their website at 

Physicians interested in participating in the development of future guidelines and protocols are encouraged to email GPAC at

Physician participation in guidelines and protocols development is compensated at the Doctors of BC sessional rate.​