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Under the guidance and approval of the Doctors of BC Board of Directors, CHEP:
- Directs the activities of Doctors of BC concerned with the assessment and formulation of policy options relating to the economics, organization, and management of the health care system.
- Supports Doctors of BC in its communication with all levels of government to ensure that the voice of the profession is heard at the federal, provincial, and regional levels.
- Develops and maintains stakeholder relations as appropriate or relevant to the assessment and formulation of policy options relating to the economics, organization, and management of the health care system.
Objectives and Responsibilities
CHEP shall:
- Report and advise the Doctors of BC Board on matters of an economic and health care organizational nature and make recommendations for appropriate comment, policy, or action.
- Develop and coordinate major projects approved by the Doctors of BC Board.
- Develop and maintain a compendium of Doctors of BC policy positions.
- Liaise with government, the Canadian Medical Association, provincial and territorial medical associations, and various relevant stakeholders on matters relevant to its objectives.