To help doctors better understand the changes to the re-referral process that came into effect July 1, 2023, Doctors of BC’s Business Pathways program recently hosted three informational webinars with guest presenters Dr Brian Gregory, Chair of the Tariff Committee, and Tariff Committee members Dr Chris Hoag, Dr Karen Forgie, and Dr Tahmeena Ali.  

Doctors of BC heard from members that the re-referral procedures were complicated and time-consuming for both physicians and patients, prompting a change. The new simplified process involves a combination of implicit re-referral and subsequent consultation. Unless specifically excluded, referrals now include a potential implied re-referral for the same problem.

A recording of this webinar and slide deck containing detailed information and resources are now available:

The webinar outlines the steps required to complete this optional new process, as well as the responsibilities of both referring physicians and consultants. Clinical examples are also offered. Before the interactive Q&A, the presenters discussed the top ten questions compiled from the registration. If you have any further questions, please email them to