Medical office staff are an integral part of streamlining clinical operations and workflow; therefore, it is an advantage for your MOA to understand MSP Billing. The Medical Office Assistant Billing Guide is a resource for medical staff who would like to strengthen their MSP billing knowledge to support their employer.
The Medical Office Assistant Billing Guide is a collection of self-paced learning modules about MSP billing processes. The first three modules describe the MSP Teleplan system involved in processing claims, including submission, processing, retracting erroneous claims, analyzing remittance statements, and disputing claims that have been rejected. Links to information that answers questions about billing, coverage, and claims, as well as provides contact information for various MSP programs, are available.
Also explained is how to use the BC guidelines and protocols to raise practice standards, encourage acceptable responses to typical medical situations, and permit exceptions when clinically warranted. Advice is also given on how to keep patients' medical records up-to-date and various methods for checking a patient’s coverage and eligibility through Teleplan.
More technical topics are covered in Modules 4 to 11, including:
- Specific fee codes and billing for common scenarios.
- Multiple visits fee codes.
- Facility fees for general practitioners and specialists.
- Out-of-office premiums.
- Submission codes.
- Emergency care fee codes.
- GPSC fee codes.
- Maternity care billing; and
- Reciprocal billing.
Please refer to the MSC Payment Schedule for the latest information and requirements for fee-for-service billing codes.