To help physicians understand current tax incentives that are accessible to them, Business Pathways and MNP LLP collaborated to host a webinar on October 6, Determining your tax benefits: Recent updates for doctors. MNP LLP offers client-focused accounting, consulting, tax, and digital services as one of Canada's biggest full-service chartered professional accounting and business advisory firms.
A recording of this webinar and slide deck containing important information and resources are now available.
- Determining your tax benefits: Recent updates for doctors – Recorded webinar
- Determining your tax benefits: Recent updates for doctors – Slide deck
In the webinar, MNP LLP professionals address several classifications of Goods and Service Tax (GST), as well as circumstances where services are taxable or exempt. The presenters review the five requirements that the Canada Revenue Agency employs to assess eligibility for the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentive program, including when to take advantage and frequently missed opportunities. The webinar also explains the most recent tax changes and rules that directly impact physicians.
Additional information about the SR&ED tax incentive can be found on the Canada Revenue Agency website.