For members’ information, here are the candidates for the Doctors of BC Board, Representative Assembly, and Committee positions which were nominated by the membership and will be voted on by the Representative Assembly. Voting takes place from October 30, 2023 until midnight on November 30, 2023, and members will be notified of the results on December 1, 2023. The positions up for election and their respective candidates are:
Specialist Candidates for Board Directors
Candidates for a 2-year term (two candidates will be elected for the 2-yr specialist position):
Family Physician Candidates for Board Directors
Candidates for a 2-year term:
Candidates for a 1-year term:
Representative Assembly Speaker Candidates
Candidates for Representative Assembly Speaker (3-year term):
Candidates for Representative Assembly Deputy Speaker (3-year term):
Governance Committee Candidates
Nominating Committee Candidates
Should you not receive your email invitation from Doctors of BC or have technical difficulties accessing the voting site or logging in, please contact Christine Donnelly directly at