
Are you a medical resident or student who goes above and beyond to advocate for a stronger healthcare system? Do you know someone who is? If so, don’t miss out on the opportunity to win $2,000 with Doctors of BC’s Changemaker Award.

The nomination deadline is Friday, May 6, 2022.

The Changemaker Award recognizes outstanding advocacy work demonstrated through exemplary leadership and grassroots initiatives in BC. An individual’s commitment may be demonstrated by advancing health policy, supporting quality patient care, or improving the medical training process. They may be involved with their local constituency, or be an active member of an association or political party. One thing is crucial: successful candidates are proactive and passionate about improving BC’s health care system.

So give that deserving someone the recognition they deserve and nominate them today! More information including nomination criteria and how to submit an online nomination can be found on our Changemaker Award page.