With an upcoming provincial election, Doctors of BC wants to make sure that our political leaders don’t lose sight of what is on the minds of doctors and patients. Recent polling confirms that health care is one of the most important election issues for British Columbians. Too many people are still without a family doctor, wait lists for surgeries are still far too long, and we hear stories every day of emergency room closures and overcrowding.  

Our health care system continues to come under considerable pressure and doctors, along with nurses, lab and diagnostic technicians, and other health care providers, are working incredibly hard to deliver care to British Columbians. But the status quo cannot remain.   

It is critical that a commitment for real and ongoing investment and change in our health care system is forthcoming by the political party forming government in October. To get the ball rolling, Doctors of BC sent a letter to the four political parties requesting their participation, and will pose five questions to each – their answers will be videotaped and posted on our website.   

  • What are your party's priorities for the healthcare system in BC and what role do physicians play?  

  • If elected, what would you do to address the shortage of doctors and other health care providers in BC?  

  • If elected, what would you do to help specialists tackle their waitlists and ensure patients have more timely access to consultation and procedural care?  

  • How would you ensure BC is investing the appropriate amount of money when it comes to health care technology and infrastructure?  

  • What does your party intend to do to address health care challenges in rural communities? 

A great deal of work has been accomplished in recent years, but some major health system challenges persist. A commitment from government that it is willing to address the difficulties that lie ahead is imperative – BC doctors must be involved in these discussions, they experience the problems every day, their perspective will be paramount in finding solutions. 

Look out for the full video of the party answers in the lead up to the October 19 election.  

Our full pre-election strategy, Temperature Rising, can be found on our website.