A key focus of our work with the Ministry of Health around the development of a provincial EMR strategy is enabling interoperability and improved information-sharing among EMR systems. We know that government is interested in enabling interoperability through EMR consolidation, and is looking at potential ways of shifting to fewer EMRs in BC.

Member input to-date shows that the majority of physicians agree that fewer EMRs would support these aims, and that any steps taken toward this outcome must align with doctors’ needs and perspectives. We believe you should be able to choose which EMR to use, and decide if and when to shift to a different system – without bearing additional costs and considerable administrative burdens.

On April 13, 2023, we will be launching a round of member engagement on this topic, starting with an EMR Governance Survey that provides a high-level sense of potential approaches for your consideration. Your feedback will help us better understand your thoughts on potential ways forward, as well as the essential elements that would encourage you to participate in a move toward EMR consolidation. It will also deepen our understanding of perspectives across the profession and further guide how we advocate for you as work in this area progresses.

The survey is open for 2 weeks, from Thursday, April 13 until Thursday, April 27, 2023, and will take 5-10 minutes to complete. External polling company, TWI Surveys, is conducting the survey, and as always, your answers are anonymous and confidential – Doctors of BC will not know your individual responses. Upon completion, you can choose to enter a draw to win one of ten $100 Visa gift cards.

We know the Ministry of Health is open to collaborating on funding options for EMR consolidation, as part of its broader Digital Health strategy, to reduce administrative burdens and increase capacity for the provision of high-quality care across the health care system. We need your voice to help guide our advocacy on your behalf. 

This outreach is part of our ongoing commitment to regularly engage with you and to advance the goals of doctors in provincial digital health planning. Learn more about our Digital Health Advocacy and Governance work to inform, guide, and influence development and implementation of digital health solutions in BC.