The Federal Government has made the decision to amend Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) legislation by expanding eligibility to those who suffer solely from a diagnosis of mental disorder. It is now up to each province, including BC, to ensure that the proper safeguards and processes are in place when authorizing MAiD in mental health cases.
In preparation for this legislative change, the BC Ministry of Health has been leading on the development of safeguards to support the safe and appropriate provision of MAiD for this patient population. Given the importance of this topic, Doctors of BC has advocated for opportunities for physician input on these provincial safeguards, and now the Ministry of Health is seeking your feedback.
Let the Ministry of Health know what you think
From November 1, 2023, until 5:00 pm on November 15, 2023, share your thoughts with the BC Ministry of Health on the draft provincial safeguards for the provision of MAiD to those whose sole underlying medical condition is a mental disorder. You can find the draft safeguards in the Ministry of Health’s survey, along with background information, a summary of the scope of this Ministry consultation, and Q&As.
Access the BC Ministry of Health’s Feedback on Draft BC Provincial Safeguards for MAiD for Mental Disorders survey (you will be redirected to the government’s external survey)
We have been advised that the draft safeguards were developed by the BC Government's Subcommittee on MAiD and Mental Health, which is comprised of physicians, experts in the clinical and operational aspects of mental health, MAiD, and ethics, and representatives from the Ministries of Health, Mental Health and Addictions, and Social Development and Poverty Reduction.
The focus of the Ministry’s consultation is limited to the provincial safeguards that would apply in BC for the upcoming expansion of MAiD. It is not on the expansion of eligibility for MAiD or MAiD legislation as those are federal matters, outside of provincial jurisdiction.
For more information
For questions or more information regarding the survey or the draft provincial safeguards, please contact:
For more on BC's existing provincial safeguards for MAiD, visit the provincial MAiD website.
The change in eligibility for MAiD was originally scheduled to come into effect in February 2023, but the federal government delayed their plans in response to concerns raised during consultation with key stakeholders. The new legislation will now come into effect on March 17, 2024.