On March 21, Doctors of BC launched its biennial Benchmark Member Survey. It’s an important pathway for us to engage with you and it helps us better understand your needs and what’s important to you. With the many changes we’ve seen over the last two years, we ask that you consider and let us know:

  • How are we doing in meeting your needs?
  • How are we doing in advocating for the profession?
  • What are your upcoming priorities?
  • What do you think about the programs and services you receive from us?

We will use this information to help chart the Association’s path forward, and make any necessary shifts to best meet your expectation – especially given our new committed Board of Directors, our new CEO, and the comprehensive review of our 5-year strategic plan that is underway. We encourage you to please look for the email invitation sent and participate.

You will have received the survey via email on March 21st from Doctors of BC Surveys, with the subject line “Member Survey: How are we doing.” Upon completion, you can choose to enter a draw to win free 2023 Doctors of BC membership dues. Should you wish to enter the draw, you will need to provide your name and email address which will be sent directly to TWI Surveys – Doctors of BC will not see this information.

The survey is open for 3 weeks, from Tuesday, March 21 until Tuesday, April 11, 2023 and will take 10-15 minutes to complete. External polling company, TWI Surveys, is once again conducting the survey, and as always, your answers are anonymous and confidential – Doctors of BC will not know your individual responses.

If you have any questions or do not receive your email invitation, or subsequent reminders, please contact surveys@doctorsofbc.ca.

We hope you will take the time to share your thoughts and let us know how we are doing – your opinion matters.